Wildlife Sanctuary

Do you Know about wildlife protection act 1972

Introduction India is renowned for its rich biodiversity, boasting a vast array of flora and fauna. However, the rapid pace of development and urbanization...

Kotgarh Wildlife Sanctuary: A Sanctuary for Wildlife and Ecotourism

Introduction Nestled amidst the picturesque Eastern Ghats in Odisha, India, lies the verdant expanse of Kotgarh Wildlife Sanctuary, a haven for a diverse array of...

Baisipalli Wildlife Sanctuary: A Haven for Biodiversity

Introduction Nestled amidst the verdant Eastern Ghats of Odisha, India, lies Baisipalli Wildlife Sanctuary, a sanctuary of teeming life and breathtaking landscapes. Located in Nayagarh,...

Hadgarh Wildlife Sanctuary, 1978 A Haven for Wildlife in Eastern India

Introduction Nestled amidst the verdant hills of Keonjhar district in Odisha, India, lies the Hadgarh Wildlife Sanctuary, a haven for diverse flora and fauna....

Biosphere reserves of India

India is home to 18 biosphere reserves, which are designated by UNESCO under its Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme. These reserves are representative...


